Nada que declarar


Nada que declarar, 2019
Triptych of black and white photos, variable dimensions
Performance, drawings and video documentation
Courtesy the artist and Ex Elettrofonica (IT)
What if our symbolic and biologic vaginas express themselves?

What if we shy away from the dominant language to explore our complexities?

What if we meet in the resistance of the silence, in almost inaudible sounds and vibrations?
What if we provoke short-circuits in the way they represent us and we self-represent our- selves?
Led by this questions, the artist has posed for the students of the Fine Art School ISFA Rogelio Yrurtia in Buenos Aires in 2019 and then at the Royale Académie de Beaux Arts in Brussels in 2020. She wore a megaphone on her pubis while embodying several iconic women nudes of art history while fine art students portrayed her.